School admission applications in 2023 due to close next week

Time is running out for parents of all children starting school next year to submit their applications.

The deadline to apply for a place at a Worcestershire Primary, First, Infant, Junior and Middle school is 15 January 2023, when applications close at midnight.

For children born between the 1 September 2018 and 31 August 2019, parents must apply for a school place starting in September 2023 before the deadline or they may not receive an offer for one of their preferred schools. 

If you have a child that was born between these dates or you have friends or family or you work with someone who has a child born between these dates please make sure that an application has been made.

Applying online is the easiest and most efficient way to apply by visiting the Council's dedicated School Admissions pages. It is secure and parents and carers can log on to the website at any time during the day or night. This means last minute changes are possible up to 12 midnight on the closing day.

If you do not have access to the internet, you can get online at any Worcestershire library or if you require additional assistance please do not hesitate to call the School Admissions team on 01905 822700.

Cabinet Member with Responsibility for Education at Worcestershire County Council, Councillor Tracey Onslow said: "We know how big a step starting school is for both parents and pupils and so we endeavour to make the process as easy as possible for all involved. Making the process for Worcestershire as simple as we can allows families to look forward to this milestone. 

"Last year, we are very pleased to be able to say that, every child that applied had a place offered to them, with 9 in every 10 children getting their first choice preference. However, I can't stress enough how important it is that the application deadlines are met, in order to avoid missing out on places."

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