Town councillors have unanimously objected to plans to build 10 ‘eco-friendly’ homes in Kington.
M S Heghoyan Properties have submitted plans to Herefordshire Council to develop land off Sunset Row.
Consultants working on the scheme say the mews-style cottages are intended to appeal to younger couples and families who will appreciate the sustainable nature of the design and construction and not need the space of a large, traditional three-or-four-bedroom house.
They say the use of new and modular construction technologies would ensure the energy used by houses is kept to an absolute minimum while providing modern, comfortable and high-quality accommodation.
However, councillors told last night’s (January 18) Kington Town Council meeting that the proposals would lead to a loss of employment land and it fell outside the conservation area.
Councillor Martin Fitton said: “The site was identified as land for industrial development in the core strategy.
“That’s the proper planning status of the land so in that sense it is inappropriate for housing anyway.”
Councillor Rob Widdowson raised concerns over parking and overdevelopment and highlighted the opposition of county highways officers who say the plan’s layout is not appropriate for the number of proposed houses.
“The access road is serving 10 dwellings and this exceeds the limit for shared private drives in Herefordshire Council’s Highways Design Guide for New Developments,” a council officer said.
“The parking provision for the site is 9 spaces with some of the dwellings not directly provided for.
“There are insufficient details to support this in terms of access to public transport and active travel links, given that the A44 must be crossed to access the facilities of the town.
“It is clear that there will be some reliance on the private motor vehicle for residents and the parking provision should reflect this.”
Residents have until February 5 to comment on the proposals which county planners are expected to consider by April 5.