Pay and Display machines will be installed on some of the city centre’s streets over the next few weeks and parking charges will apply from Monday 6 November.
Herefordshire Councils says the introduction of on-street pay-and-display machines aims to reduce traffic circulating in the city centre which contributes to congestion on the main routes.
The scheme will introduce charges for short stays in the heart of the city. Parking charges will apply and cost 50p for up to half an hour and £1 for up to an hour stay. The following streets will be subject to the charges:
- Aubrey Street
- Bridge Street
- Broad Street
- Gaol Street
- Harrison Street
- King Street
- St John Street
- St Owen Street
Disabled badge holders will be unaffected by the charges and they will continue to be able to park for free whilst displaying their badge.
Work will begin on 16 October to install pay-and-display machines, amend and erect new signage and refresh parking bay line markings.
Pay and display machines will be equipped to take cash and contactless payments by credit or debit card. Motorists will also be able to pay for parking by phone, as with our other car parks.