Communities will have an opportunity to hear about how the police budget is spent and put their questions to the West Mercia Chief Constable and Police and Crime Commissioner next week.
PCC John Campion said, “Our police service is funded by the taxpayer. I want to ensure that there is a continued focus on delivering the services that are important to our communities, and ensuring that they receive value-for-money.”
The Facebook Live event will give the opportunity for the public to ask questions about the budget and policing in general at the most senior level.
Questions are invited on a range of topics of community interest that are linked to the budget, including visible policing, rural crime, tackling anti-social behaviour and protecting local businesses.
The public are invited to submit questions during the livestream which takes place at 6pm on Monday 11th January, or in advance before 4pm on Monday 11th January. Questions can be submitted on Facebook: @WestMerciaPCC during the live stream or via email in advance to getinvolved@westmercia.pnn.police.uk
PCC John Campion added, “It’s important that the views of our communities are heard and taken into account as part of the budget setting process. This is a great opportunity for communities to understand more about how the policing budget is prioritised, and how this affects community safety, as well as setting out their priorities for next years’ budget.”