Pubs and restaurants in Monmouthshire set to re-open outdoors

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Pubs and restaurants in Monmouthshire will be able to officially reopen outdoors from next Monday.

First Minister Mark Drakeford announced that outdoor hospitality would open up again from Monday, but warned that although new coronavirus infections continued to fall, people making use of the eased restrictions would still need to socially distance from those from other households or support bubbles.

Current rules allow up to six people - excluding children under 11 - to meet outside but only from a maximum of two different households.

Mr Drakeford is expected to reveal further changes to COVID measures at the end of the week.

He said: "The public health context in Wales remains favourable, with cases falling and our vaccination programme continues to go from strength to strength.

"Because meeting outdoors continues to be lower risk than meeting indoors, we are able to bring forward changes to allow any six people to meet outdoors.

"This will provide more opportunities for people, especially young people, to meet outdoors with their friends. This will undoubtedly have a significant positive impact on people's wellbeing.

"I'm also pleased to confirm outdoor hospitality will be allowed to reopen from Monday April 26.

"These changes will help the hospitality sector recover after a difficult 12 months.

"It is thanks to the continuing efforts of people across Wales we are able to introduce this change. Together, we will continue to keep Wales safe."

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