Monmouthshire man jailed for a drug offence

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A Monmouthshire man has been jailed for 12 months for Class B drug possession with intent to supply.

Calum Vaughan, aged 30, was sentenced at Newport Crown Court last Thursday.

He pleaded guilty to: Possession with intent to supply a controlled drug of Class B - Other.

PC Elliot Morgan explained: "The Neighbourhood Policing Team in Monmouthshire North are actively targeting those involved in this type of criminal activity. I hope this sentence shows that the supply of controlled drugs within our communities will not be tolerated on any level, and we will continue our efforts to bring those offenders to justice.

"I would encourage anyone with information about drug supply to get in contact via 101 or via direct message on social media. Anyone can report information anonymously via Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111."

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