Kidderminster man jailed for raping teenage boy

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A Kidderminster man has been sentenced to life in prison for a string of sexual offences including falsely imprisoning and raping a teenage boy.

Ben Murphy, aged 31, previously of Mill Street, Kidderminster, met his victim in November 2016 and spent a month grooming him before attacking him on the evening of 14 December 2016.

That night, Murphy arranged to meet his victim in Worcester. From there they got a taxi to Kidderminster where he was held in a flat and attacked.

Murphy previously pleaded guilty to rape and false imprisonment.

He also pleaded guilty to two counts of causing or inciting a child to engage in sexual activity. These offences involved the same victim and occurred in November and December 2016.

Murphy also pleaded guilty to seven counts of making indecent photographs of a child in connection with incidents that occurred between October 2016 and December 2016.

Murphy was sentenced to life in prison and must serve a minimum of eight years.

Detective Inspector John Cashion said: "Murphy is a dangerous sexual offender. He groomed his victim, befriending him and plying him with cigarettes, all in order to satisfy his twisted sexual desires. It's a pattern we regularly see with predatory sexual offenders.

"I would like to pay tribute to the bravery of the victim in this case. What he went through was unimaginable, especially for someone so young. He and his family have acted with dignity throughout this investigation and their support has helped to ensure this conviction. I hope today provides them with some form of closure and they can start to rebuild their lives.

"Hopefully, today's sentence will send a strong message to other sex offenders that they will not get away with it and give other victims the confidence to come forward in the knowledge that they will be listened to and supported."

Superintendent Richard Long, safeguarding lead for West Mercia Police, said: "Murphy demonstrated the typical behaviour associated with the grooming and sexual exploitation of children. Sadly, sexual exploitation affects many children and young people, but we can all help by looking out for telltale signs. If you are concerned something isn't right then report it; your call might help us to stop another dangerous sexual offender.

"If you have been or think you have been a victim of sexual exploitation then please contact police. We will investigate and we will support you; you are not alone."

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