Hereford man fined for dumping caravan full of waste

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A Hereford man has been found guilty of failing in his duty when disposing of an old caravan full of waste.

Hereford Magistrates Court heard in June last year, officers of Herefordshire Counci;s community protection team found a caravan dumped behind the Romney Huts in Rotherwas.

The caravan was full of vehicle and mechanical waste, including 30 old tyres, car parts and engine oil. Evidence found in the waste led officers to Aaron Murray from Hereford.

Murray admitted the caravan of waste was his and that he kept it at his storage yard in Rotherwas. He alleged that he had been paid £200 in cash in June 2021 by someone wanting to take the caravan and waste away for scrap metal. Murray was unable to provide any information about the alleged payer or a waste transfer note, which meant the transaction could not be traced.

Murray was fined £500, ordered to pay costs of £1,099 and a victim surcharge of £50.

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