Charlie creates Poppy Artwork fit for a Hero

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​​​​​​​20-year-old Charlie Teague, who has severe autism and learning difficulties, has been designing fantastic Poppy Artwork for Remembrance Day and is donating all the proceeds to military charity Help for Heroes.

Charlie chose to create Poppies to sell on behalf of Help for Heroes because his life has been transformed by art and he understands how the charity transforms the lives of our wounded heroes. Many of the sick and wounded veterans that Help for Heroes support also turn to art to help them in their recovery, finding it an especially powerful way to help with their mental health, and as a way to portray feelings that can be hard to express verbally.

Charlie’s parents, Sue and Tim, had found it difficult to find things to keep him occupied since leaving the education system, but were delighted when family friends Helen and Robert Williams started giving Charlie metalwork lessons and instruction in painting and drawing. Although Charlie, who is non-verbal, struggles to concentrate and complete tasks, he found a new love for art and craft and has been creating amazing work that has far exceeded his family’s expectations. So much so, that his family have started a business for his art, metalwork and garden designs which have sold like hotcakes and and he is even selling items internationally now.

The Poppy Artworks are available outside Charlie’s house in Baucott, Craven Arms, in Shropshire, displayed in a special Help for Heroes stall also created and designed by him.

Sue Teague, Charlie’s mum, says, “We’re so proud of everything Charlie has achieved with his dedicated teachers who help him with is work. He has really enjoyed making the Poppies and he hopes that anyone passing by will stop and pick up one of his Poppies in return for a donation. He’s keen to raise as much money as he can for Help for Heroes.”

To find out more about Charlie’s amazing work and how to collect a Poppy, visit

Beth Miles, Director of Marketing, Communications and Public Affairs at Help for Heroes, comments, “The last few months have been tough for everyone across the country, and as a charity we have seen a significant impact on our fundraising activities. We simply couldn’t provide the support we do without the incredible creativity and generosity of people like Charlie, and we are very grateful to him and everyone who contributes to our fundraising efforts.

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