CCTV image released in relation to Leominster criminal damage incidents

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Officers continuing to investigate a number of criminal damage incidents in Leominster have released an image of a man they would like to speak to.

In the early hours of Saturday 7 October the plants within six metal planters, as well as three of the planters in Drapers Lane are reported to have been damaged.

At around 2.20am on Saturday, October 7 the wing mirror on a grey Fabia Skoda that was parked in Broad Street is understood to have been damaged.

A second vehicle, which was red and also parked in the street, is believed to have been scraped and dented on a door and front wheel arch at around the same time.

Investigations are currently ongoing but officers would like to speak to the man pictured as they believe he may have information, which could help with the investigation.

They are also keen for anyone who witnessed any of the incidents or who saw anyone acting suspiciously in the area at the time to come forward.

Anyone with information should call West Mercia Police on 101 or Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111 quoting incident number 75S of 7 October.

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