A headteacher’s office could be expanded at a rural Shropshire school.
Shropshire Council has submitted plans for the scheme on behalf of Hadnall Primary School, which also includes an expansion of one of its classrooms.
In a design and access statement, Property Services Group says that the school, situated five miles north of Shrewsbury, has four classrooms with two year groups in each class.
However, the classroom used for year 5 and 6 pupils is very small. The proposal is to extend it to bring it up to modern standards, which will also allow the ajacent headteacher’s office to become bigger.
The additional space would allow the office to be used for small meetings with parents, governors and outside agencies.
“The extension will be built to match the existing design of the school using similar materials and detailing so far as possible,” reads the statement.
“Landscaping works will be minimal. A narrow strip of grass from the playing field will be required to build a pathway around the extension. This will have no effect on formal games use of the playing field.”
The statement adds that the council’s learning and skills department, and members of staff from the school have been actively invovled in the proposal.
Anyone who wishes to comment about the scheme (application 25/00216/FUL) can do so via Shropshire Council’s planning portal by February 14.