Plans to demolish a village pub and build four houses in its place have been given the green light.
The Horseshoes Inn in Pontesbury has been up for sale for three years, prompting landlady Teresa Challenor to seek planning permission for an alternative use for the site.
The scheme was granted outline approval by Shropshire Council’s southern planning committee at a meeting on Tuesday – but Ms Challenor has said she does not intend to go through with the plans.
Councillor Nick Hignett, who represents the Rea Valley division which encompasses Pontesbury and Minsterley, spoke at the meeting against the proposals.
He said: “These two villages represent a large and expanding community in our county and there is a need to maintain its infrastructure and facilities.”
Councillor Hignett said he refuted the suggestion that the application was a “fallback option”, adding that approval would “open the flood gates” to similar applications.
Ms Challoner’s planning consultant Mike Lloyd of Berrys also addressed the committee to explain the circumstances that had led to the plans being submitted.
Ms Challenor bought the pub with her late husband in 2016, but he fell ill shortly afterwards, prompting them to put it back on the market.
Mr Lloyd said: “Since her husband’s passing in early 2019 Teresa has has had to run the pub by herself, at a time when the UK pub trade has been in general decline, which has obviously been exacerbated by the pandemic.
“The future appears bleak for the pub, and the pub trade more generally.
“Theresa finds herself in an intolerable position. She wished to sell the pub as a going concern but no offers have been received.”
Mr Lloyd said the four terraced homes being proposed would be a “significant enhancement” of the site, replacing the pub which holds “little architectural and historic interest”.
He added: “While the loss of the pub use on the site would be regrettable, it’s loss would not adversely impact upon the provision of services and facilities in the area due to the presence of other pubs.
“In fact, the loss of the inn may very well enhance the viability of the remaining pubs at a time when they desperately need such support if they are to survive.”
Councillor Tony Parsons said it would be a shame to see the growing village of Pontesbury lose one of its three pubs, but Councillor Richard
Marshall said if the business was destined to close it would be preferable to have plans in place to prevent the site becoming derelict.
Councillor Robert Tindall added: “In the past, the southern planning committee has acknowledged that there can be a problem with public houses but we’ve tended to refuse change of use where that pub is the only pub in a settlement.
“On balance, and it is a question of balance, I support the officer’s recommendation of approval because there are alternatives.”
The committee voted to grant outline permission, with five votes for and four against.
If and when Ms Challenor, or any future owner, decides to proceed with the scheme they would need to submit a new application for reserved matters, covering things like the size and design of the homes. If no reserved matters application comes forward within three years the outline permission will lapse.