Planning continues in Ludlow for the Queen's Platinum Jubilee.
Ludlow Town Council’s planning began last November when the council agreed, in principle, to take part in the nation-wide co-ordinated Beacon events to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee in June 2022.
Ludlow Castle was the preferred location because it is an iconic venue in the centre of town, and townspeople could gather in the Outer Bailey before the Beacon Lighting. The castle offers easy disabled access and the beacon would be visible to all when sited at the top of the Tower. Details of event are being further considered by the council at their meeting on 7 March.
Ludlow market will join in with nation-wide Love Your Local Market activities and creating a celebratory atmosphere with bunting and flags.
The Council is considering a plan to locally contribute to the Queen’s Green Canopy Initiative.
The Town Council will also be providing links to the free ‘THE BIG JUBILEE PACK’ with helpful information for planning ‘community get togethers’ .
Other organisations have put forward proposals to use town council facilities for their events and these proposals are being considered at the 7 March Council meeting.