A new Mayor of Ludlow has been elected.
Councillor Robin Pote has been elected as Mayor of Ludlow 2021 / 22; and Councillor Vivienne Parry was elected Deputy Mayor of Ludlow 2021 / 22. Both elections were supported by the whole Town Council.
Councillor Pote thanked all councillors from his unanimous election, and said he would endeavour to live up to the role, and develop a good relationship with his fellow Councillors and staff. He paid tribute to his predecessor Councillor Gill, who had served as Mayor for four years. Cllr Pote said he had learned from his example of freely giving his time, and respected his dedicated service to the Town, especially during the past year.
Councillor Parry was delighted and very moved by her unanimous election. it is her second time as Deputy Mayor of Ludlow, and she said she is looking forward to assisting Councillor Pote during his Mayoral year.
Mayor Making is on 9th June, and it is hoped that the event will be live streamed because social distancing regulations mean that space is very limited. At Mayor Making, the Town Council will present Civic Awards to celebrate the work of local volunteers.
Cllr Pote, said ‘the Town Council were delighted to receive so many excellent nominations, and will be presenting 14 awards for outstanding contributions to the community.’