A large Herefordshire plant nursery wants to cover over three hectares of its beds with polytunnels.
Allensmore Nurseries is seeking planning permission to put up seven new tunnels to fit around existing roadways on its site south of Madley.
They would be next to an existing two-hectare polytunnel, described as similar in appearance.
The plan will “enabling greater winter protection [of plants,] significantly reducing over-winter wastage”, as well as enabling it to grow a greater rangeof plants, its application says.
Roofs of the Total Vent tunnels, from local supplier Haygrove, can be opened during warm weather, benefiting the plants’ health and growth, while the enclosed structure “enable the greater use of natural predators for the control of crop pests, and as such will reduce the need to spray chemicals”, the application adds.
Rainwater is meanwhile collected for irrigating the plants, so “no water leaves the site”.
The nursery plans to allow the existing hedge between the tunnels and Stone Street to grow to three metres in height in order to screen it.
There would be no change to staffing at the site as a result on the proposal.
Comments on this application, numbered 231685, can be made until July 20.
A separate planning application by Allensmore to extend its uncovered growing area by over 28 hectares has yet to be ruled on.