Shropshire Council has been awarded more than £160,000 from the Department for Transport to continue delivering Bikeablity cycle training to primary school children across the county.
The money is an initial grant of £166.153, with the possibility that more funding may follow. It’s to be spent in the financial year 2023/2024.
It will pay for the continued delivery of Bikeability balance bike training – getting younger children used to riding without pedals – and Level 1, 2 and 3 Bikeablity training, which gives older children the opportunity to learn the skills needed to travel to school safely on a bike.
The funding is part of Government plans to ensure that every child receives Bikeability training by the time they finish primary school – an aim shared by the council.
In Shropshire Bikeablity is provided by Shropshire Council in in partnership with Learn Cycling, Shropshire’s cycle training provider.