A care home can be built on the site that was previously demolished because it failed to adhere to regulations.
The proposal from Cleobury Holdings Ltd is for a 58-bedroom site to the north of Cleobury Mortimer High Street, which includes staff rooms and space for 22 cars. A previous application for a 75-bedroom home was turned down in October 2023 due to the impact to residential amenity, the lack of open space, and parking concerns.
It came on the back of a 58-bedroom home having to be demolished in 2022 “following findings that the building was not constructed in accordance with the required regulations”.
However, despite the planning officer’s report recommending that the scheme be approved, it did not receive the backing of Councillor Gwilym Butler, the ward member for the town, while seven members of the public also objected.
“I’m concerned that the scheme is an overdevelopment of the site and the private amenity space of all neighbouring residential properties will be greatly challenged with the volume of windows directly looking into their properties,” said Cllr Butler.
“I’m also concerned that there is insufficient parking as Cleobury Mortimer has very little public transport. This will result in staff having to park in local residential streets and car parks already under pressure.”
However, the application was unanimously approved by Shropshire Council’s Southern Planning Committee.
“Usually, when we see the parish and the ward objecting, it causes a worry and you really have to dig deep to see why they wouldn’t want this,” said Councillor Nigel Lumby.
“It’s affectively what was proposed before and approved. So, as such, I’m not quite sure, as a committee, we can get too much in the way of something that’s already been approved.
“I accept there are people who think it may look into their windows, but the sighting distances are quite far. And 22 spaces for parking is actually quite a lot, so I’m quite comfortable with this.”
Councillor Tony Parsons added: “Based on what we have before us, and what is intended, I’m happy to support it.”