Plans for an upgrade of a Caldicot youth centre have been approved by Monmouthshire council.
The proposed refurbishment of the Zone Youth Centre on the cross of Church Road and Chepstow Road is intended to improve its appearance in a prominent part of the town.
The work will be carried out alongside improvements to the High Street and Church Road as part of regeneration plans for Caldicot.
Proposals include renovating the exterior of the centre as well as making improvements to access, with new power-assisted gates for disabled users, and new landscaping outside the centre.
The entrance will be relocated to the front of the building and there will also be new signage, repairs to the stone boundary walls and new railings.
Two windows will also be opened out into patio style doors, with the aim of making the space more inviting to young people.
A planning application says it is hoped that the centre will “look fresher and more aesthetically pleasing for young people, the community and in-keeping with Caldicot’s ongoing developments”.
The building was converted into a youth centre in 2007 after previously being used as public toilets.
A design and access statement says the building is “generally a very basic, poor quality building cited on one of the most prominent corners of the town”.
“Improvements are much needed to better integrate it with its surroundings and provide enhanced facilities for the users of the youth centre, whilst creating more of a focal point,” it says.
The youth centre is run between Monmouthshire council, the landlord of the building, Monmouthshire council’s youth service and Caldicot Youth Group, with funding also provided by Caldicot Town Council.
It offers activities and opportunities for young people aged 11-25, with support offered from professionally qualified youth work staff.
A decision notice granting planning permission was issued by Monmouthshire council on Wednesday.