Hereford Rugby Club have plans to refurbish their ground in a move which will help prevent vandalism.
The club are planning to relocate its bar to its large cellar which will allow it to be securely locked.
The proposals include extending the bar area forward under the stands across the top step that is level with clubhouse in line with the front of the changing rooms to the north of the building.
The scheme includes creating a new cellar with raised storage areas to prevent it from getting flooded.
The plans will also provide extra balcony areas and increase entrances into the building.
If approved, the east facing elevation would be moved forward to increase clubhouse floor area and remove and area that has been vandalised.
And a new doorway will replace the existing window to the north of the building and a new steel staircase will be provide access to the changing rooms direct to the pitches.
Also, a new double doorway will provide direct access to the kitchen dining room – this is part of the older pavilion section of the building.
To avoid multiple stairs, a single staircase will lead to a raised balcony that provides access to the bar, hallway and kitchen area.
Club president Spence Goodall said: “People can hide behind that wall and we find vandalism and a lot of needles there in the morning.
“So, by bringing it level they won’t be tucked up in the corner.
“We’ve tried all sorts of alarms in there and cameras but that hasn’t worked.
“The plans were something we were talking about before but obviously the flooding has pushed a few things forward.”
Mr Goodall also said the club is focusing on improving their Wyeside ground as talks of a move to Hampton Bishop have died down.
“We’ve decided we’ll carry on like the move to Hampton Bishop isn’t going to happen. It is in other people’s hands now.
“Hopefully if we get this work done, we will go with plans next year to knock the changing rooms down and build some new ones.
“The plan is we need to raise the new changing rooms two foot higher than they are at the moment so that if the river does come up again.
“It went a good 18 inches into the club so if we are building there, we will have to go a bit higher.”
People have until August 15 to have their say on the proposals which Herefordshire Council is expected to consider next month.