Tributes were paid to an ambulance technician from Herefordshire who died after an object struck his vehicle's windscreen during a 999 call.
Jeremy Daw died last month when responding to the call near Hereford.
He had returned to the West Midlands Ambulance Service in January amid the coronavirus pandemic.
The 66-year-old, was applauded by a guard of honour of paramedics, friends, family and locals outside Hereford Crematorium as his funeral cortege went by.
Other members of staff stood still in ambulance stations.
A spokesman for the service said: 'Today we paid tribute and said goodbye to an incredibly well loved and respected colleague.
'The streets of Hereford were lined with friends, family, colleagues and members of the community wishing to pay their respects.
'From GP surgeries, the fire service, shops, and members of the public all clapping the cortege through the route.
'Thank you for joining us and Jeremy "Jack's" family to remember a wonderful man.'