A new committee has been chosen to manage this year's Tenbury Applefest.
Last year's event beat the odds and went ahead despite the pandemic.
It was however the 10th and last Applefest for Chairman David Patrick and Organiser, Carole Clayton.
Carole said “Over the last 10 years we have developed an Event that supports itself and attracts visitors from around the UK. We have worked to raise the profile of Tenbury Wells and it’s range of Independent businesses as well as our sponsors and the traders who attend on a regular basis, however, it is now time for fresh blood to take it further”
At the AGM on 18th January a new Team came forward to take over and develop the ethos of the Tenbury Applefest Association. The new Chairman being Anton Schooley and Vice Chair Elizabeth Allen.
David Patrick said “Organising and developing Tenbury Applefest has been a challenge, but one that was very rewarding, and we are pleased to have helped to put Tenbury on the map. It has been a pleasure to work with Carole and all the other volunteers who are needed to make the event a success, and we are delighted to be able to hand over to the new team and wish them every success.”
Tenbury Applefest 2022 is on October 1st from 10.00 until 4.00 on The Burgage, Tenbury Wells.