The Monmouthshire Rural Support Centre (MRSC) was officially opened on Saturday at the Usk Show.
The aim of the project was to develop a Centre for broad based support for people living and working in rural communities, especially farmers young and not so young, together with their families.
Bob Stevenson, MRSC Project Lead said ‘We were very fortunate to have been awarded a Grant from the Monmouthshire County Council Rural Development Programme for Monmouthshire & the Vale of Usk LEADER Programme to refurbish an unused Exhibition Unit which has been leased to MRSC by Monmouthshire County Council, and is sited at the Monmouthshire Livestock Market, every Monday and Wednesday, plus special sales.
The inside of the unit has been designed so that NHS staff can undertake health screening including blood pressure measurement and other tests. Private discussions can take place on mental health, well-being and general issues which will support the isolated ‘hard to reach’ rural folk of Monmouthshire’.
The MRSC is manned by Monmouthshire Farming Community Network Volunteers and staff from the MIND Monmouthshire Rural Workers Project, who are funded by the National Lottery Community Fund.