Shropshire Council’s Cabinet are being asked to approve a green plan which will give the NHS, councils and care partners in the Integrated Care System the tools to combat climate change.
Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin Integrated Care System has committed to preparing and adopting a green plan, as it acknowledges the climate crisis is a serious threat to people’s wellbeing, and action must be taken now to build resilience to prevent the worst outcomes.
In an integrated care system NHS organisations, in partnership with councils and other partners, take collective responsibility for managing resources, delivering health and social care, and improving the health of the population they serve.
Shropshire Council declared a climate emergency in May 2019, and in December 2020 adopted a Climate Strategy and Action Plan, which establishes the objective of achieving net-zero carbon performance for the council by 2030.
Ian Nellins, Shropshire Council’s Cabinet member for climate change, natural assets and the green economy, said: “It is predicted climate change will cause increases in the demand for health and social care services, have financial impacts such as operating costs, and impacts on the health and wellbeing of residents as well as service users and staff.
“The majority of Shropshire Council’s carbon footprint for health and social care services is created through commissioned services, and the climate team is working closely with the procurement team to identify the carbon impact of specific contracts with a view to reducing those impacts.”