Controversial plans to build eight houses at a sensitive Herefordshire village spot have been withdrawn.
Hereford real estate firm BDLM planned to redevelop part of the disused Lingen Nursery site south of the village of the same name, near the Welsh border at Presteigne, having recently completed a similar-sized development on land immediately to the north.
But consultation on the proposal drew over 30 objections from members of the public concerned about the style of the houses and their potential impact on the immediate environment, particularly the Lime Brook, a designated local wildlife site and tributary of the protected river Lugg.
They also felt the village had already met its new housing commitment with the “disruptive” building of the neighbouring development.
Now Herefordshire Council have confirmed the planning application has been withdrawn before a decision could be made on it. A developer does not need to provide a reason for this.