A Post Office in Chepstow has been ordered to make improvements to ensure coronavirus regulations are followed.
The shop in Welsh Street has been given an improvement notice by Monmouthshire County Council following a recent inspection.
An inspector found that the two-metre social distancing requirement between customers and staff was not being met at a counter in the post office.
The notice said staff were face-to-face with customers at a distance of between 0.5-metres and one-metre without a screen being provided at the counter.
The maximum amount of people allowed in the post office had also not been calculated and was not visible through signage at the entrance to the premises.
There was no hand sanitisation or hand washing facilities available for customers to use at the entrance and exit to the post office, according to the improvement notice.
A Covid-19 risk assessment also needs to be created in with the latest regulations.
The improvement notice requires changes to be made by Wednesday, February 10.
These include erecting a screen at the counter, monitoring the number of customers inside with a sign displaying the maximum capacity and making hand sanitizer available to customers.
Attempts were made to contact the post office for comment.