More than 80 people are calling on Herefordshire Council to reject plans to build three new chicken sheds on a farm near Ross-on-Wye.
Applicant David Pursey, son of former county NFU chairman Liz Pursey, submitted the plans to build the additional units at Trevase Farm near Michaelchurch in 2018.
The existing poultry site has been in operation for more than 20 years and currently consists of four units.
And consultants working on the plans say the scheme has been submitted to meet the demand from Avara Foods’ Hereford plant.
The extra units would result in a maximum of 260,000 birds housed at the site.
“The proposed development provides an opportunity to grow the family farming business in what are uncertain times,” consultants working on the scheme say.
“The growth of a local farming business will add value to the Herefordshire and wider economy through direct and indirect job creation and job security.”
The plans also includes an amenity building, eight feed bins, concrete yard, and a new access track.
But ward councillor Toni Fagan is concerned about the environmental impact.
“Herefordshire has enough poultry units. A massive expansion like this, when we are struggling with phosphates in the Wye, is going to have to be scrutinised quite thoroughly.
“I’m also concerned there are a lot of really valuable old buildings around that area of Michaelchurch and there has not been an heritage impact assessment done.”
Local resident Sophie Crowther is concerned over the impact the new units would have on her young son who has respiratory condition.
“Children’s lungs cannot cope with all these toxins and pollution that these units create. These intensive poultry units are not traditional farming, they are intensive factories that are destroying our landscape, rivers, environment and health.”