An office block and garage that was previously used by Western Power in Ludlow can be demolished to make way for 21 homes.
TC Homes Contracting Ltd submitted plans for the proposal at Aquila House in Riddings Road. The homes will consist ofone, two, three and four-beds, with the majority being affordable.
The 13 houses will be provided with two parking spaces, while the eight flats will have one each. Cycle parking and bin storage facilities are also proposed.
The planning officer’s report said concerns had been raised about the ability of the existing infrastructure to accommodate the development.
“The details submitted with the application state that it is proposed to discharge the foul drainage to the existing public sewer in The Riddings and Dahn Drive,” reads the report.
“With respect to this, it is noted that Severn Trent have been consulted via a developer enquiry and they have confirmed that the network can accommodate flows for 21 dwellings. Therefore, a connection is acceptable tothe company subject to the necessary consents.
“Turning to the surface water drainage arrangements, further tests are required to ascertain whether soakaways will be acceptable on this site. As such, it is considered that full drainage details should be submitted by way of a suitably worded pre-commencement condition.”
The officer concluded that there is no principle planning police ojection to an affordable housing development on the previously developed site, is sustainably located, and would not unduly harm neighbour amenity.
The scheme was therefore granted subject to planning conditions being met.