Council to consult with health experts before reintroducing one-way pedestrian system

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Tuesday, 15 December 2020 17:42

By Carmelo Garcia - Local Democracy Reporter

Civic leaders in Ross-on-Wye say they will call consult with health experts before reintroducing a one-way pedestrian system in the town.

The town council implemented the non-enforceable measures to help maintain social distancing as lockdown restrictions were eased in June and high street retailers were able to open their doors to shoppers.

Stickers were placed on pavements indicating which way pedestrians were meant to go.

The idea behind these measures is that it would minimise the risk of spreading Covid-19.

However, councillors are hesitant about reintroducing the measures and painting arrows on pavements as they have not received widespread support.

“It was a very mixed response. Some for, some against,” councillor Paul Symonds said.

“Most of the people against it seem to think it’s just a waste of time with others going on about civil liberties but broadly speaking people either supported it or thought it was a waste of time.”

Councillor Ian Gumm asked if there was no way to impose a rule that people must wear a facemask in the town centre.

“They do it in Belgium,” he said.

Councillor Jane Roberts said the council unfortunately did not have the same legal powers as local government has on mainland Europe.

“It would be very useful to secure some professional advice from somebody who is an expert in public health and who is familiar with the up-to-date science on Covid-19 transmission.

“That would help us make an informed decision and would also lend weight to that decision when we are seeking to justify it to traders and residents in the town.”

Councillor John Winder said the measure did not seem popular with traders.

“It’s worth remembering that the risk is lower when you are outside and more people are wearing masks than when we did it in March,” he said.

Councillor Chris Bartrum, who supported the scheme at the beginning, said people are increasingly tired of the restrictions and felt it was a “dead duck”.

“It was ignored,” he said.

“You’ve got a reasonable proportion of people who, whether they are just contrarian characters of whom we have a lot in Ross, people who are worried about the loss of civil liberties, or people who just don’t really care about anyone but themselves, a lot of people ignored it.

“If we try to introduce it again, it would have the same response or a worse one.”

Town councillors agreed to seek the advice of local doctor Simon Lennane and would revisit the issue in January.

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